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Beijing Travel Guide – Show You the Most Impressive Parts in Beijing

With a history of over 3000 years, Beijing is a must-visit place for most tourists who travel to China for the first time. According to the official statistics, Beijing was initially recorded in history book over 3000 years ago. The city of Beijing and its surrounding areas have been appointed as the capital by five feudal dynasties in the history of China, so Beijing is abundant in royal relics, among which, the Forbidden City is the most renowned and best preserved.

Beijing is located in the northeast part of China. Due to its plain topography, many huge edifices can be built close to each other, such as the Bird Nest and Water Cube, two famous 2008 Olympic legacies. As the capital of China, Beijing is directly administrated by the central government of China, which is the reason why tourist facility in Beijing is relatively more advanced than most other places in China.

Generally speaking, there is less rainfall in the north part of China than the south part, however, Beijing has the wettest weather in north China. June, July and August are Beijing’s rainy season. 80% of Beijing’s rainfall is concentrated in these three months.

Things to do in Beijing

Experience the royal life in the Forbidden City

Built in 1420, the Forbidden City is the best preserved ancient palace complex in China. 24 emperors of Ming and Qing dynasties had been working and living in the City. You will be shocked by the deluxe palaces and luxury royal life while visiting the City.

Hike or camp on the Great Wall of China

As one of the most renowned places of interest in China, the Great Wall shows Chinese people’s wisdom to the world. Most Great Wall sections in Beijing and its surrounding area were built in the Ming dynasty. Hiking and camping are the most popular activities on the Great Wall. The Badaling, Mutianyu, Juyonghuan, Jiankou, Huanghuacheng Simatai and Gubeikou are the most-visited Great Wall sections near Beijing.

Dongpo Pork

Jinshanling Great Wall

Explore Hutongs

“Hutong” is a word of Mongolian language, meaning a lane lived by both people of Han and other ethnic groups. In 1271 AD, the Mongolian army entered Beijing and set up the Yuan dynasty. More and more Mongolian people came to Beijing to live with Han people. Thousands of Hutongs were built to house these new residents of Beijing. The historical Hutongs show people the traditional life of Beijing citizen. The Hutongs in Xicheng and Dongcheng districts are visited by most tourists. Exploring Hutongs in a rickshaw is a popular activity in Beijing.

Relax in the Summer Palace

Generally speaking, the Summer Palace looks more relaxing than the Forbidden City, because it was a royal resort. Initially built in 1888 AD, the Summer Palace covers an area of 3 square kilometers. The ancient gardens in south China were the royalty’s favorite at that time, so the Summer Palace was built according to the style of those south China gardens, but it is around 150 times as large as any garden in south China. Both royal style and garden culture are highlights in the garden.

What to Eat in Beijing

Beijing Roast Duck – It is the only must-eat in Beijing. Deeply fried duck is stuffed in a wrapper with sweet sauce and green Chinese onion. Many foreign tourists like it just because they don’t have to use chopsticks.

Spice Pork or Beef – Local spices such as yellow bean sauce, cinnamon, ginger, sugar, salt and garlic are indispensable elements for dish. These spices are boiled with pork or beef and tofu till the meat and tofu are fully flavored.

Sugar-Coated Haw, Apple or Grape – It is a kind of snack which is usually made in winter. Due to the low temperature and cold wind, fruits get hard very soon after coated by water mixed with sugar and honey. This snack can be found on almost every street in Beijing.

Best Time to Visit Beijing

Generally speaking, you will see different views in different seasons in Beijing, so it is inappropriate to say which season is the best time to visit Beijing. However, if you plan to travel to Beijing in July or August, you’d better check the weather forecast carefully, because there is often heavy rain during these two months.

Beijing Temple Fairs

The temple fairs, which are often held during the Chinese New Year period (between late January and middle February), are the best places to learn about the local culture. The main activities for a temple fair are acrobatic shows, Beijing opera, lion and dragon dances, and exhibition of flowers. Street food is also an indispensable factor.

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival for Chinese people. Thousands of families go to temples fairs to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Every people escape from their daily work and enjoy the temple fair activities without any scruple. It is probably their happiest moment of a year.

The most popular temple fairs are usually held in the Forbidden City, Ditan and Longtan Lake parks and Hutongs.

Dongpo Pork

Local Opera Show on Beijing Temple Fair

Top Beijing Tour Packages

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3-Day Beijing essence from Shanghai by High Speed Railway

Catch the very best of Beijing in three days with round-trip high-speed train fares– The Great Wall, the Forbidden City and Summer Palace are included to give you an overview of Beijing history and culture.

From $779

Lake and Forbidden City

8-Day China's Golden Triangle Tour by Train

See the best and save! China's new and fast trains make it easy and comfortable to experience the Great Wall, Forbidden City, the Entombed Terracotta Warriors of Xian, and Shanghai while staying within your budget. All aboard!

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Suzhou Zhouzhuang

1-Day Beijing Mutianyu Great Wall Trip from Shanghai with Round-trip Airfares

Visit the best and less-crowded section of the Great Wall, Mutianyu Section. Round way cable cars and a local lunch are arranged. This is an all-inclusive Beijing Day Trip with round-trip airfares from Shanghai

From $879

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