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Taxi in Shanghai

There are about 50.000 Taxies in Shanghai most of which are santana. the largest Taxi companies in Shanghai are Volks Wagen (lake blue), Qiang Sheng(yellow), Johnson(white), Bus(green)and Hai bo(blue).

the price is shown in the following chart:

  0~3km 3~10km more than 10km
Daytime:(5:00~23:00) 10rmb 2yuan/km 3yuan/km
Night:(23:00~5:00) 13rmb 2.6yuan/km 3.9yuan/km

kind reminder:
  1. Travelers can bargain down the price during the night and can share a taxi together for several people.
  2. If there is a waiting time, the driver will charge you as one meter's cost for each five minutes.
  3. The taxi booking and complaining telephone number.

Main Taxi Companies Calling Complain
Shanghai Johnson 62580000 62581234
Shanghai Friendship 62584584 62582828
Shanghai Volks Wagen 96822 62173350
Shanghai Jinjiang 96961 64169292
Xinya Group 56651777 56651953
Shanghai Haibo 96965 62130011

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